
How to use Smart Data Models in your projects

This section aims to provide few simple guidelines for the adoption of Smart Data Models. Readers interested into modifying or creating new data models should refer to Data models guidelines. This guide is not exhaustive and does not aim to cover the specifics of each model, rather it provides general usage tips valid for most of the existing models and for expected models in the future.

Data Models have been defined in relation to the FIWARE reference data context model (NGSI v2). While this does not imply that they cannot be used outside of the NGSI context model, it does however indicate that some of design principles have been driven by that. This also implicitly means that Data Models will follow the evolution of FIWARE platform, NGSI-LD mappings are being added to all existing Data Models.

General principles

The general principle guiding your adoption should be: keep it simple.

Going through a Data Model

Each Data Model is programmatically defined using a JSON Schema, as previously mentioned, the JSON schema covers only the so called key-value representation of NGSI v2 context data. Thus the JSON Schema does not cover the normalised representation of context data.

In the NGSI v2 normalised format each attribute (key) of the Data Model is represented by a JSON object with the following syntax:

    "id": "entityId",
    "type": "entityType",
    "att1": {
        "value": "value1",
        "type": "Text",
        "metadata": {
            "metada1": {
                "value": "metavalue1"

In the case of the key-value format (also known as Simplified Entity Representation in the NGSI v2 specification), values are directly mapped to the keys, and metadata are not covered:

    "id": "entityId",
    "type": "entityType",
    "att1": "value1"

Of course the normalised format contains richer information, but on the other side it is redundant and less efficient in term of transport.

To clarify the difference among the two representation here is a complete example from the AirQualityObserved Data Model:

    "id": "Madrid-AmbientObserved-28079004-2016-03-15T11:00:00",
    "type": "AirQualityObserved",
    "dateObserved": {
        "value": "2016-03-15T11:00:00/2016-03-15T12:00:00"
    "airQualityLevel": {
        "value": "moderate"
    "CO": {
        "value": 500,
        "metadata": {
            "unitCode": {
                "value": "GP"
    "temperature": {
        "value": 12.2
    "NO": {
        "value": 45,
        "metadata": {
            "unitCode": {
                "value": "GQ"
    "refPointOfInterest": {
        "type": "Relationship",
        "value": "28079004-Pza.deEspanya"
    "windDirection": {
        "value": 186
    "source": {
        "value": ""
    "windSpeed": {
        "value": 0.64
    "SO2": {
        "value": 11,
        "metadata": {
            "unitCode": {
                "value": "GQ"
    "NOx": {
        "value": 139,
        "metadata": {
            "unitCode": {
                "value": "GQ"
    "location": {
        "type": "geo:json",
        "value": {
            "type": "Point",
            "coordinates": [-3.712247222222222, 40.423852777777775]
    "airQualityIndex": {
        "value": 65
    "address": {
        "type": "PostalAddress",
        "value": {
            "addressCountry": "ES",
            "addressLocality": "Madrid",
            "streetAddress": "Plaza de Espa\u00f1a"
    "reliability": {
        "value": 0.7
    "relativeHumidity": {
        "value": 0.54
    "precipitation": {
        "value": 0
    "NO2": {
        "value": 69,
        "metadata": {
            "unitCode": {
                "value": "GQ"
    "CO_Level": {
        "value": "moderate"
    "id": "Madrid-AmbientObserved-28079004-2016-03-15T11:00:00",
    "type": "AirQualityObserved",
    "address": {
        "addressCountry": "ES",
        "addressLocality": "Madrid",
        "streetAddress": "Plaza de España"
    "dateObserved": "2016-03-15T11:00:00/2016-03-15T12:00:00",
    "location": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [-3.712247222222222, 40.423852777777775]
    "source": "",
    "precipitation": 0,
    "relativeHumidity": 0.54,
    "temperature": 12.2,
    "windDirection": 186,
    "windSpeed": 0.64,
    "airQualityLevel": "moderate",
    "reliability": 0.9,
    "CO": 500,
    "NO": 45,
    "NO2": 69,
    "NOx": 139,
    "SO2": 11,
    "CO_Level": "good",
    "NO_Level": "moderate",
    "refPointOfInterest": "28079004-Pza. de España"

For each Data Model we provide a set of examples (in some cases also using the Normalised representation of NGSI v2), such examples have been validated against the respective JSON Schema and against a Orion Context Broker instance (to ensure that also the content encoding is compliant with the reference implementation).

As a consequence of the NGSI v2 specifications, all Data Models must include the following attributes:

dateCreated and dateModified are special entity attributes provided off-the-shelf by NGSI v2 implementations.

Most of the Smart Data Models adopt the GSMA common definitions, and so also include standard GSMA terminology such as:

See for example the Building Data Model.

Similarly most of the Smart Data Models adopt the Location common definitions, and thus include the following attributes:

See for example the Building Data Model.

GeoJSON supports the definition of quite complex geometries (Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString, and MultiPolygon) representing the localisation of entities. Examples of GeoJSON geometries are available here.

General tips

How to specify units of measurement

  1. If your data use the default unit defined in the Data Model, you don’t need to specify any. It is implied.
  2. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all Smart data models use the metric system of measurements by default. Regardless the model specification include explicit reference to the scale adopted.
  3. If your data use a different unit, you will need to use the unitCode metadata annotation in your data (and you will need to adopt the normalised representation). Code used should be the ones defined by UN/CEFACT. E.g.:
"length": {
    "value": 11,
    "metadata": {
        "unitCode": {
            "value": "FOT"

How to attach specific time of update to a single attribute

Often, different attributes of the same entity are updated at different points in time as the result of data aggregation across measurements from different sensors. Note that the dateModified value only reflects only the point in time the NGSI v2 implementation received an entity update, it does not correspond to the moment in time at which an attribute changed. In order to be able to define when a specific attribute changed you should you should use the timestamp metadata annotation. E.g.:

"speed": {
    "value": 11,
    "metadata": {
        "timestamp": {
            "value": "2016-03-15T11:00:00.000"

Proper usage of relations among Data Models

With the introduction of NGSI-LD, a growing number attributes are being defined which represent relationships between entities.

Previously the Smart data model defined the name of such attributes was normed to be ref followed by the name of the Entity Type referenced by the attribute, for example in the case of Entity Type Device, the full attribute would be refDevice.

With the introduction of NGSI-LD, following the link with practises in the ontologies, such attributes are defined with the usage of a verb (plus optionally an object) such as hasStop, operatedBy, hasTrip, etc.

While in the first case, the entity type to be looked for is implicitly defined by the attribute name, this is no longer the case with NGSI-LD, that’s why it is important to use NGSI-LD URNs that convey the type of the target entity, for instance urn:ngsi-ld:gtfs:Stop:S123.

Currently it is up to the logic of your application to include the logic to navigate entity relationships, as it is not yet defined within implementations of the NGSI v2 or NGSI-LD specification.