

This repository is now archived and subsequent works will be carried out the in Smart data models repositories.


This entity contains a harmonised description of a Building. This entity is associated with the vertical segments of smart homes, smart cities, industry and related IoT applications.

This data model has been partially developed in cooperation with mobile operators and the GSMA, compared to GSMA data model following changes are introduced:

Data Model

For a full description of the following attributes refer to GSMA IoT Big Data Harmonised Data Model

The following attribute has been introduced:

Note: JSON Schemas are intended to capture the data type and associated constraints of the different Attributes, regardless their final representation format in NGSI(v2, LD).


Normalized Example

Normalized NGSI response

    "id": "building-a85e3da145c1",
    "type": "Building",
    "category": {
        "value": ["office"]
    "floorsBelowGround": {
        "value": 0
    "description": {
        "value": "Office block"
    "floorsAboveGround": {
        "value": 7
    "occupier": {
        "type": "Relationship",
        "value": ["9830f692-7677-11e6-838b-4f9fb3dc5a4f"]
    "mapUrl": {
        "type": "URL",
        "value": ""
    "dateCreated": {
        "type": "DateTime",
        "value": "2016-08-08T10:18:16Z"
    "source": {
        "value": ""
    "location": {
        "type": "geo:json",
        "value": {
            "type": "Polygon",
            "coordinates": [
                    [100, 0],
                    [101, 0],
                    [101, 1],
                    [100, 1],
                    [100, 0]
    "address": {
        "type": "PostalAddress",
        "value": {
            "addressLocality": "London",
            "postalCode": "EC4N 8AF",
            "streetAddress": "25 Walbrook"
    "owner": {
        "type": "Relationship",
        "value": [
    "openingHours": {
        "value": ["Mo-Fr 10:00-19:00", "Sa 10:00-22:00", "Su 10:00-21:00"]
    "dataProvider": {
        "value": "OperatorA"
    "dateModified": {
        "type": "DateTime",
        "value": "2016-08-08T10:18:16Z"
    "containedInPlace": {
        "value": {
            "type": "Polygon",
            "coordinates": [
                    [100, 0],
                    [101, 0],
                    [101, 1],
                    [100, 1],
                    [100, 0]

key-value pairs Example

Sample uses simplified representation for data consumers ?options=keyValues

    "id": "building-a85e3da145c1",
    "type": "Building",
    "dateCreated": "2016-08-08T10:18:16Z",
    "dateModified": "2016-08-08T10:18:16Z",
    "source": "",
    "dataProvider": "OperatorA",
    "category": ["office"],
    "containedInPlace": {
        "type": "Polygon",
        "coordinates": [
                [100, 0],
                [101, 0],
                [101, 1],
                [100, 1],
                [100, 0]
    "location": {
        "type": "Polygon",
        "coordinates": [
                [100, 0],
                [101, 0],
                [101, 1],
                [100, 1],
                [100, 0]
    "address": {
        "addressLocality": "London",
        "postalCode": "EC4N 8AF",
        "streetAddress": "25 Walbrook"
    "owner": [
    "occupier": ["9830f692-7677-11e6-838b-4f9fb3dc5a4f"],
    "floorsAboveGround": 7,
    "floorsBelowGround": 0,
    "description": "Office block",
    "mapUrl": "",
    "openingHours": ["Mo-Fr 10:00-19:00", "Sa 10:00-22:00", "Su 10:00-21:00"]

LD Example

Sample uses the NGSI-LD representation

    "id": "urn:ngsi-ld:Building:building-a85e3da145c1",
    "type": "Building",
    "modifiedAt": "2016-08-08T10:18:16Z",
    "createdAt": "2016-08-08T10:18:16Z",
    "category": {
        "type": "Property",
        "value": ["office"]
    "floorsBelowGround": {
        "type": "Property",
        "value": 0
    "description": {
        "type": "Property",
        "value": "Office block"
    "floorsAboveGround": {
        "type": "Property",
        "value": 7
    "occupier": {
        "type": "Relationship",
        "object": ["urn:ngsi-ld:Person:9830f692-7677-11e6-838b-4f9fb3dc5a4f"]
    "mapUrl": {
        "type": "Property",
        "value": ""
    "source": {
        "type": "Property",
        "value": ""
    "location": {
        "type": "GeoProperty",
        "value": {
            "type": "Polygon",
            "coordinates": [
                    [100, 0],
                    [101, 0],
                    [101, 1],
                    [100, 1],
                    [100, 0]
    "address": {
        "type": "Property",
        "value": {
            "addressLocality": "London",
            "postalCode": "EC4N 8AF",
            "streetAddress": "25 Walbrook",
            "type": "PostalAddress"
    "owner": {
        "type": "Relationship",
        "object": [
    "openingHours": {
        "type": "Property",
        "value": ["Mo-Fr 10:00-19:00", "Sa 10:00-22:00", "Su 10:00-21:00"]
    "dataProvider": {
        "type": "Property",
        "value": "OperatorA"
    "containedInPlace": {
        "type": "Property",
        "value": {
            "type": "Polygon",
            "coordinates": [
                    [100, 0],
                    [101, 0],
                    [101, 1],
                    [100, 1],
                    [100, 0]
    "@context": [

Test it with a real service
