All Classes and Interfaces

Database representation of an attribute as parent for the concrete SubAttributes and Attributes.
Abstract superclass for all temporal representations.
Maps objects between the (NGSI)api-domain and the internal domain.
Base application as starting point
Database representation of a concrete Attribute.
Handler to map errors on attribute extension to matching responses
Map objects between the internal persistence domain and the api.
Handler for mapping CannotCreateTransactionException.
Operator for comparisons, according to NGSI-LD api
Query term to reflect a comparison, according to the ngsi-ld api.
Should be thrown when a requested context could not have been retrieved.
Pojo to hold temporary query results with the start and endtime a query hit for the given entity.
Interface for entity retrieval
Specific serializer for the results of an temporal query.
Serializer for EntityTemporalVO to a json-ld string.
Error types as defined by the NGSI-LD spec.
Handler to catch all not specifically(unexpected) handled exceptions and map them NGSI compliant.
Enum for geometries according to the ngsi-ld api
Modifier in geo queries, according to the ngsi-ld api
Supported geo operations(as defined by NGSI-LD v1.3.1)
Pojo to hold informations about a geography query according to ngsi-ld
Handle all IllegalArgumentException and map them to BadRequest's.
Filter out requests with unsupported parameters.
Should be thrown if a request with an invalid time/timerelation configuration is received.
Handle exceptions due to invalid timerelations.
Should be thrown when the JacksonGeoJsonConverter fails to convert the db objects.
Handle all errors due to failing jackson conversions.
Hibernate AttributeConverter to translate geoJson strings int geojson objects and vice-a-versa
Cache for ld context.
Query term to represent the logical connection of two terms, e.g.
Representation of a logical operator according to the ngsi-ld api
Representation of a logical query term.
Filter out all 405 responses an map them to 422 as defined by the NGSI-LD api.
Connection provider to offer DataSources based on the requested tenant.
Tenant provider for datasource selection.
Base exception handler to produce NGSI-LD compliant http responses.
Database representation of a concrete Entity.
OpMode enum as used by Orion-LD
Pojo holding all pagination relevant informations.
Should be thrown if something unexpected happens when retrieving data from the persistence layer.
Handle all PersistenceRetrievalException and map them to an internal error.
Problem details as defined by RFC-7807" and mandated by the NGSI-LD Spec 5.5.2 and 5.5.3
Parser for queries(according to the NGSI-LD api) into the internal QueryTerm representation.
Abstract superclass for all query terms
Dedicated deserializer for QueryVOs, to cleanup empty objects.
Pojo for holding the range information used in the http content range header.
Should be thrown if the given attributes cannot be expanded.
Database representation of a concrete SubAttribute.
Implementation of the NGSI-LD temporal retrieval api
Temporal representation of a geo property according to the NGSI-LD spec
Temporal representation of a property according to the NGSI-LD spec
Temporal representation of a relationship according to the NGSI-LD spec
Temporal representation of an entity according to the NGSI-LD spec
Internal representation of a timerelation
Repository implementation for retrieving temporal entity representations from the timescale database
Enum for the possible requested timepropertys
OpMode enum as used by Orion-LD