
Local Deployment

In order to support development and exploration of the FIWARE Data Space Connector, a “Minimal Viable Dataspace” is provided as part of this repo.

Quick Start

:warning: The local deployment uses k3s and is currently only tested on linux.

To start the Data Space, just use:

    mvn clean deploy -Plocal

Depending on the machine, it should take between 5 and 10min to spin up the complete data space. You can connect to the running k3s-cluster via:

    export  KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/target/k3s.yaml
    # get all deployed resources
    kubectl get all --all-namespaces

The Data Space


The locally deployed Data Space consists of 2 Participants, connected through a Trust Anchor.

The Trust Anchor

Every Data Spaces requires a framework that ensures trust between the participants. Depending on the requirements of the concrete Data Space, this can become a rather complex topic. Various trust-providers exist( f.e. Gaia-X Digital Clearing Houses) and could be reused, as long as they provide an implementation of the EBSI-Trusted Issuers Registry to the participants.

The local Data Spaces comes with the FIWARE Trusted Issuers List as a rather simple implementation of that API, providing CRUD functionality for Issuers and storage in an MySQL Database. After deployment, the API is available at Both participants are automatically registered as “Trusted Issuers” in the registry with their did’s.

Get a list of the issuers:

    curl -X GET

A new issuer could for example be registered via:

  curl -X POST \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data '{
      "did": "did:key:myKey",
      "credentials": []

For more information about the API, see its OpenAPI Spec

The Participants

The minimal Data Space should provide an easy-to-understand introduction to the FIWARE Data Space. Therefor the roles of the participants are clearly seperated into “Data Consumer” and “Data Provider”. However, in most real-world Data Spaces the participants will have both roles. They are not restricted to either consume or provide.

In our scenario, the Data Provider(M&P Operations Inc.) is a company offering solutions to host and operate digital services for other companies. The Data Consumer(Fancy Marketplace Co.) provides a marketplace solution, listing offers from other companies. To fulfill their roles, they need different components of the FIWARE Data Space Connector.

The Data Consumer


Since the Data Consumer in our example is only retrieving data, it requires very few components:

After deployment, Keycloak can be used to issue VerifiableCredentials for users or services, to be used for authorization at other participants of the Data Space. It comes with 2 preconfigured users:

The admin-console of keycloak is available at:, login with the keycloak-admin The credentials issuance in the account-console is available at:, login with the test-user

In order to retrieve an actual credential two ways are available:

:warning: The pre-authorized code and the offer expire within 30s for security reasons. Be fast.

:bulb: In case you did the demo before, you can use the following snippet to unset the env-vars:

          unset ACCESS_TOKEN; unset OFFER_URI; unset PRE_AUTHORIZED_CODE; \
          unset VERIFIABLE_PRESENTATION; unset JWT_HEADER; unset PAYLOAD; unset SIGNATURE; unset JWT; \
          unset VP_TOKEN; unset DATA_SERVICE_ACCESS_TOKEN;

Get an AccessToken from Keycloak:

    export ACCESS_TOKEN=$(curl -s -X POST \
      --header 'Accept: */*' \
      --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
      --data grant_type=password \
      --data client_id=admin-cli \
      --data username=test-user \
      --data password=test | jq '.access_token' -r); echo ${ACCESS_TOKEN}

(Optional, since in the local case we know all of the values in advance) Get the credentials issuer information:

    curl -X GET

Get a credential offer uri(for the `user-credential), using the retrieved AccessToken:

    export OFFER_URI=$(curl -s -X GET '' \
      --header "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" | jq '"\(.issuer)\(.nonce)"' -r); echo ${OFFER_URI}

Use the offer uri(e.g. the issuerand nonce fields), to retrieve the actual offer:

    export PRE_AUTHORIZED_CODE=$(curl -s -X GET ${OFFER_URI} \
            --header "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" | jq '.grants."urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:pre-authorized_code"."pre-authorized_code"' -r); echo ${PRE_AUTHORIZED_CODE}

Exchange the pre-authorized code from the offer with an AccessToken at the authorization server:

    export CREDENTIAL_ACCESS_TOKEN=$(curl -s -X POST \
      --header 'Accept: */*' \
      --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
      --data grant_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:pre-authorized_code \
      --data code=${PRE_AUTHORIZED_CODE} | jq '.access_token' -r); echo ${CREDENTIAL_ACCESS_TOKEN}

Use the returned access token to get the actual credential:

    export VERIFIABLE_CREDENTIAL=$(curl -s -X POST \
      --header 'Accept: */*' \
      --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --header "Authorization: Bearer ${CREDENTIAL_ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
      --data '{"credential_identifier":"user-credential", "format":"jwt_vc"}' | jq '.credential' -r); echo ${VERIFIABLE_CREDENTIAL}

You will receive a jwt-encoded credential to be used within the data space.

The Data Provider


The Data Provider requires a couple of more components, in order to provide secure access to its data. It needs essentially 3 building blocks:

After the deployment, the provider can create a policy to allow access to its data. An example policy can be found in the test-resources It allows every participant to access entities of type EnergyReport.

:warning: The PAP and Scorpio APIs are only published to make demo interactions easier. In real environments, they should never be public without any authentication/authorization framework in front of them.

The policy can be created at the PAP via:

  curl -s -X 'POST' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d  '{ 
            "@context": {
              "dc": "",
              "dct": "",
              "owl": "",
              "odrl": "",
              "rdfs": "",
              "skos": ""
            "@id": "",
            "@type": "odrl:Policy",
            "odrl:permission": {
              "odrl:assigner": {
                "@id": ""
              "odrl:target": {
                "@type": "odrl:AssetCollection",
                "odrl:source": "urn:asset",
                "odrl:refinement": [
                    "@type": "odrl:Constraint",
                    "odrl:leftOperand": "ngsi-ld:entityType",
                    "odrl:operator": {
                      "@id": "odrl:eq"
                    "odrl:rightOperand": "EnergyReport"
              "odrl:assignee": {
                "@id": "odrl:any"
              "odrl:action": {
                "@id": "odrl:read"

Data can be created through the NGSI-LD API itself. In order to make interaction easier, its directly available through an ingress at In real environments, no endpoint should be publicly available without beeing protected by the authorization framework. Create an entity via:

  curl -s -X POST \
    -H 'Accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
      "id": "urn:ngsi-ld:EnergyReport:fms-1",
      "type": "EnergyReport",
      "name": {
        "type": "Property",
        "value": "Standard Server"
      "consumption": {
        "type": "Property",
        "value": "94"

Demo Interactions

Once everything is deployed and configured(e.g. the consumer received a credential - see The Data Consumer - and policy/entity are setup - see The Data Provider) , the consumer can access the data as following:

Authenticate via OID4VP

:warning: Those steps assume that interaction with consumer and provider already happend, e.g. a VerifiableCredential is available and policy/entity are created.

The credential needs to be presented for authentication through [OID4VP](( Every required information for that flow can be retrieved via the standard endpoints.

If you try to request the provider api without authentication, you will receive an 401:

   curl -s -X GET ''

The normal flow is now to request the oidc-information at the well-known endpoint:

  export TOKEN_ENDPOINT=$(curl -s -X GET '' | jq -r '.token_endpoint'); echo $TOKEN_ENDPOINT

In the response, the grant type vp_token will be present, indicating the support for the OID4VP authentication flow:

  "issuer": "",
  "authorization_endpoint": "",
  "token_endpoint": "",
  "jwks_uri": "",
  "scopes_supported": [
  "response_types_supported": [
  "response_mode_supported": [
  "grant_types_supported": [
  "subject_types_supported": [
  "id_token_signing_alg_values_supported": [

With that information, the authentication flow at the verifier(e.g." can be started. First, the credential needs to be encoded into a vp_token. If you want to do that manually, first a did and the corresponding key-material is required. You can create such via:

  docker run -v $(pwd):/cert

This will produce the files cert.pem, cert.pfx, private-key.pem, public-key.pem and did.json, containing all required information for the generated did:key. Find the did here:

  export HOLDER_DID=$(cat did.json | jq '.id' -r); echo ${HOLDER_DID}

As a next step, a VerifiablePresentation, containing the Credential has to be created:

    \"@context\": [\"\"],
    \"type\": [\"VerifiablePresentation\"],
    \"verifiableCredential\": [
    \"holder\": \"${HOLDER_DID}\"

Now, the presentation has to be embedded into a signed JWT:

Setup the header:

  export JWT_HEADER=$(echo -n "{\"alg\":\"ES256\", \"typ\":\"JWT\", \"kid\":\"${HOLDER_DID}\"}"| base64 -w0 | sed s/\+/-/g | sed 's/\//_/g' | sed -E s/=+$//); echo Header: ${JWT_HEADER}

Setup the payload:

  export PAYLOAD=$(echo -n "{\"iss\": \"${HOLDER_DID}\", \"sub\": \"${HOLDER_DID}\", \"vp\": ${VERIFIABLE_PRESENTATION}}" | base64 -w0 | sed s/\+/-/g |sed 's/\//_/g' |  sed -E s/=+$//); echo Payload: ${PAYLOAD};   

Create the signature:

  export SIGNATURE=$(echo -n "${JWT_HEADER}.${PAYLOAD}" | openssl dgst -sha256 -binary -sign private-key.pem | base64 -w0 | sed s/\+/-/g | sed 's/\//_/g' | sed -E s/=+$//); echo Signature: ${SIGNATURE}; 

Combine them to the JWT:

  export JWT="${JWT_HEADER}.${PAYLOAD}.${SIGNATURE}"; echo The Token: ${JWT}

The JWT representation of the JWT has to be Base64-encoded(no padding!):

  export VP_TOKEN=$(echo -n ${JWT} | base64 -w0 | sed s/\+/-/g | sed 's/\//_/g' | sed -E s/=+$//); echo ${VP_TOKEN}

The vp_token can then be exchanged for the access-token

      --header 'Accept: */*' \
      --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
      --data grant_type=vp_token \
      --data vp_token=${VP_TOKEN} \
      --data scope=default | jq '.access_token' -r ); echo ${DATA_SERVICE_ACCESS_TOKEN}

With that token, try to access the data again:

  curl -s -X GET '' \
    --header 'Accept: application/json' \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer ${DATA_SERVICE_ACCESS_TOKEN}"

Deployment details

In order to make the setup properly working locally and usable for development and try out, some adaptions have been made and will be explained here.


To have the local environment as close to reality as possible, all interaction happens through Ingress. The ingress is provided via the Traefik-IngressController and configured here: [k3s/infra/traefik]. Additionally, to ensure access to public endpoints happens equally from inside the cluster and outside of it, CoreDNS(deployed on default with k3s) is instructed to resolve the ingresses(e.g. * directly to the loadbalancer-service of Traefik.

Available ingresses:

URL Component Participant Comment Only for Demo Trusted Issuers Registry Trust Anchor Provides the list of trusted issuers no Trusted Issuers List API Trust Anchor Create,Update,Delete functionality for the Trusted Issuers Registry should not be publicly available in real data spaces Keycloak Consumer Issues credentials on behalf of the consumer no did-helper Consumer Helper to provide access to the consumers did and key material yes, should never be public Apisix Provider ApiGateway to be used as entry point to all secured services, f.e. the data-service no VCVerifier Provider Authentication endpoint, used for authenticating through VerifiableCredentials no did-helper Provider Helper to provide access to the providers did and key material yes, should never be public Scorpio ContextBroker Provider Provides direct access to the context broker, to be used for test setup. yes, should only be available through the PEP ODRL-PAP Provider Allows configuration of the access policie, used for authorization yes, should only be available to authorized users

Participant Identity

In a Data Space, every participant requires an identity. The FIWARE Data Space relies on Decentralized Identifiers to identify its participants. While the concrete scheme to be used for a Data Space needs to be decided by its requirements, the local installation uses did:key. While the did’s are not well readable for humans, they are well-supported, can be resolved without any external interaction and can easily be generated within the deployment. That makes them a perfect fit for the local use-case. All participants(e.g. the consumer and the participant) get a did generated on installation, by using the did-helper. The identities and connected key-material is automatically distributed in the cluster and set in the componets that require it.

In real world data spaces, the participants should rather use stabled identities, which can be did:key, but also more organization-focused once like did:web or did:elsi.


The deployment leverages the k3s-maven-plugin to stay as close to the real deployments as possible, while providing integration with the integration tests. In order to build a concrete deployment, maven executes the following steps, that would also be done by a normal deployment process:

  1. Copy the required charts(charts/) to the target folder, e.g. target/charts
  2. Copy additionally required resources(k3s/infra & k3s/namespaces) to the target folder, e.g. target/k3s
  3. Execute helm template on the charts, with the local values provided for each participant(e.g. trust-anchor, provider and consumer) and copy the manifests to the target folder(e.g. target/k3s)
  4. Spin up the cluster
  5. Apply the infrastructure resources to the cluster, via kubectl apply
  6. Apply the charts to the cluster, via kubectl apply