
Integration with AWS Garnet Framework

2/ Existing AWS Garnet Framework deployment in the AWS Account with a Context Broker on AWS ECS Fargate

For this scenario, it is recommended that a modified version of the Helm Chart for the Data Spaces Connector is deployed to a Kubernetes Cluster in the service Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (AWS EKS). In this case, considering that your environment for the AWS Garnet Framework was set up following the official AWS GitHub Repository, the Context Broker is already hosted as an Amazon Elastic Container Service (AWS ECS) task in an AWS Fargate cluster and the integration to the Data Spaces Connector will be performed by deploying only this modified Helm Chart available in this reference.

Target Architecture for extending the deployment of an existing AWS Garnet Framework

IPS Service Provider Deployment in Amazon EKS

This section covers the setup of the prerequisites of the IPS Service Provider examples of this repository, available in this reference.

Changes to the original Helm chart

The edited version of the IPS Service Provider example Helm Chart contains 3 main differences for this scenario where an existing Context Broker is already deployed and must only by extended by the additional building blocks of the Data Spaces Connector:

  # Disable the deployment of application: mongodb
  deploymentEnabled: false
  # Disable the deployment of application: orion-ld
  deploymentEnabled: false
    # Provide the kong.yml configuration (either as existing CM, secret or directly in the values.yaml)
      configMap: ""
      secret: ""
      config: |
        _format_version: "2.1"
        _transform: true

        - username: token-consumer
          - tags:
            - token-key
            - tir-key
    #TODO - Replace here with the AWS Garnet Framework Unified API endpoint AND REMOVE THIS LINE
          - host: "" 
            name: "ips"
            port: 443
            protocol: http

Helm Chart install steps

kubectl create namespace ips
helm repo add dsc
helm install -n ips -f ./yaml/values-dsc-aws-load-balancer-controller-scenario2.yaml ips-dsc dsc/data-space-connector

Other Resources - Troubleshooting

Once the Data Space Connector is deployed via the Helm chart in your cluster, additional scripts are also provided in this repository to help any troubleshooting of your connector deployment. Two main scripts are provided:



and the corresponding polling period by changing the values in the script file before running it

  # Sleep for a few seconds before checking for new logs and pods again
  sleep 3

# Set the fixed namespace