For this scenario, it is recommended that the complete Helm Chart for the Data Spaces Connector is deployed to a Kubernetes Cluster in the service Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (AWS EKS). In this case, the FIWARE Context Broker will be hosted by a pod in the Kubernetes cluster and the integration to the AWS Garnet Framework will be performed by deploying only the AWS Garnet IoT module of the framework. Further configuration will include streamlining the Garnet IoT pipeline to the Internal Service Load Balancer associated to the EKS cluster.
This section covers the setup of the prerequisites of the IPS Service Provider examples of this repository, available in this reference.
kubectl create namespace ips
helm repo add dsc
available in this repositoryhelm install -n ips -f ./yaml/values-dsc-aws-load-balancer-controller-scenario1.yaml ips-dsc dsc/data-space-connector
An AWS CDK project modified from the AWS Garnet Framework main project is available in this repository. The project was modified so ONLY the AWS Garnet Framwrork IoT Module is deployed once the CDK stacks are deployed. To integrate this module to the Context Broker deployed in the Amazon EKS Cluster, 2 main parameters must be set in the ./aws-garnet-iot-module/parameters.ts
file :
amazon_eks_cluster_load_balancer_dns: "",
amazon_eks_cluster_load_balancer_listener_arn: "",
Edit the file including the respective strings referencing your Load Balancer resource for the Data Space Connector deployed in the Amazon EKS Cluster in your AWS Account.
Then, deploy the CDK stack using the following commands:
cd aws-garnet-iot-module
npm install
cdk bootstrap
cdk deploy
Once the Data Space Connector is deployed via the Helm chart in your cluster, additional scripts are also provided in this repository to help any troubleshooting of your connector deployment. Two main scripts are provided:
to your local deployment machine under ./podLogs/
in this repository structure
The script
link runs a local process in your deployment machine to poll logs from all currently running pods under a namespace from your cluster and save locally for further analysis.
It can be manually modified to change the desired namespace to be analyzed#!/bin/bash
and the corresponding polling period by changing the values in the script file before running it
# Sleep for a few seconds before checking for new logs and pods again
sleep 3
The script
link runs a local process in your deployment machine to force delete long-lived running pods from a failed deployment.
It can be manually modified to change the desired namespace to be analyzed#!/bin/bash
# Set the fixed namespace