Download OpenAPI specification:Download
Spec for the CanisMajor DLT adaptor
Entity creation requests.
Link | string Link header to be used as described in the json-ld spec. |
Wallet-Type | string Value: "vault" Type of the wallet to be used for signing the transactions. |
Wallet-Token | string Token to be used when contacting the wallet. Type of the token depends on the wallet type. |
Wallet-Address | string <url> Example: Address of the wallet to be used for signing the transactions. If required, it should include path information |
@context | object (LdContext) |
object (GeoProperty) | |
object (GeoProperty) | |
object (GeoProperty) | |
id | string <uri> |
type | string (Name) non-empty ^((\d|[a-zA-Z]|_)+(:(\d|[a-zA-Z]|_)+)?(#\d+)?... NGSI-LD Name |
createdAt | string <date-time> (createdAt) |
modifiedAt | string <date-time> (modifiedAt) |
additional property | Property (object) or Relationship (object) or GeoProperty (object) |
{- "@context": { },
- "location": {
- "type": "GeoProperty",
- "value": { },
- "observedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "modifiedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "unitCode": "string",
- "property1": {
- "type": "Point",
- "coordinates": [
- 0,
- 0
}, - "property2": {
- "type": "Point",
- "coordinates": [
- 0,
- 0
}, - "observationSpace": {
- "type": "GeoProperty",
- "value": { },
- "observedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "modifiedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "unitCode": "string",
- "property1": {
- "type": "Point",
- "coordinates": [
- 0,
- 0
}, - "property2": {
- "type": "Point",
- "coordinates": [
- 0,
- 0
}, - "operationSpace": {
- "type": "GeoProperty",
- "value": { },
- "observedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "modifiedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "unitCode": "string",
- "property1": {
- "type": "Point",
- "coordinates": [
- 0,
- 0
}, - "property2": {
- "type": "Point",
- "coordinates": [
- 0,
- 0
}, - "type": "string",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "modifiedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "property1": {
- "type": "Property",
- "value": "string",
- "observedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "modifiedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "unitCode": "string",
- "property1": { },
- "property2": { }
}, - "property2": {
- "type": "Property",
- "value": "string",
- "observedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "modifiedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "unitCode": "string",
- "property1": { },
- "property2": { }
{- "transactionHash": "string",
- "blockHash": "string",
- "blockNumber": 0,
- "cumulativeGasUsed": 0,
- "gasUsed": 0,
- "status": "string",
- "from": "string",
- "to": "string",
- "logs": [
- {
- "removed": true,
- "logIndex": 0,
- "transactionIndex": 0,
- "transactionHash": "string",
- "blockHash": "string",
- "blockNumber": 0,
- "address": "string",
- "data": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "topics": [
- "string"
], - "transactionIndexRaw": "string",
- "blockNumberRaw": "string",
- "logIndexRaw": "string"
], - "logsBloom": "string",
- "transactionIndexRaw": "string",
- "blockNumberRaw": "string",
- "cumulativeGasUsedRaw": "string",
- "statusOK": true,
- "gasUsedRaw": "string",
- "additionalInformation": { }
Retrieve a set of entities which matches a specific query from an NGSI-LD system
id | string Comma separated list of URIs to be retrieved |
idPattern | string <regexp> Regular expression that must be matched by Entity ids |
type | string non-empty Comma separated list of Entity type names to be retrieved |
attrs | string non-empty Comma separated list of attribute names (properties or relationships) to be retrieved |
q | string non-empty Query |
georel | string (georel) Geo-relationship |
geometry | string (geometryEnum) Geometry |
coordinates | string non-empty Coordinates serialized as a string |
geoproperty | string non-empty The name of the property that contains the geo-spatial data that will be used to resolve the geoquery |
csf | string non-empty Context Source Filter |
limit | integer [ 1 .. 100 ] Pagination limit |
offset | integer Default: 0 Pagination offset |
options | string Enum: "keyValues" "sysAttrs" Options dictionary |
Link | string Link header to be used as described in the json-ld spec. |
Wallet-Type | string Value: "vault" Type of the wallet to be used for signing the transactions. |
Wallet-Token | string Token to be used when contacting the wallet. Type of the token depends on the wallet type. |
Wallet-Address | string <url> Example: Address of the wallet to be used for signing the transactions. If required, it should include path information |
Related-Entity | string <uri> ID of an NGSI-LD entity to related the query to, f.e. a user |
{- "transactionHash": "string",
- "blockHash": "string",
- "blockNumber": 0,
- "cumulativeGasUsed": 0,
- "gasUsed": 0,
- "status": "string",
- "from": "string",
- "to": "string",
- "logs": [
- {
- "removed": true,
- "logIndex": 0,
- "transactionIndex": 0,
- "transactionHash": "string",
- "blockHash": "string",
- "blockNumber": 0,
- "address": "string",
- "data": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "topics": [
- "string"
], - "transactionIndexRaw": "string",
- "blockNumberRaw": "string",
- "logIndexRaw": "string"
], - "logsBloom": "string",
- "transactionIndexRaw": "string",
- "blockNumberRaw": "string",
- "cumulativeGasUsedRaw": "string",
- "statusOK": true,
- "gasUsedRaw": "string",
- "additionalInformation": { }
EntityUpdate requests.
entityId required | string <uri> ID of an NGSI-LD entity |
Link | string Link header to be used as described in the json-ld spec. |
Wallet-Type | string Value: "vault" Type of the wallet to be used for signing the transactions. |
Wallet-Token | string Token to be used when contacting the wallet. Type of the token depends on the wallet type. |
Wallet-Address | string <url> Example: Address of the wallet to be used for signing the transactions. If required, it should include path information |
@context | object (LdContext) |
object (GeoProperty) | |
object (GeoProperty) | |
object (GeoProperty) | |
id | string <uri> |
type | string (Name) non-empty ^((\d|[a-zA-Z]|_)+(:(\d|[a-zA-Z]|_)+)?(#\d+)?... NGSI-LD Name |
createdAt | string <date-time> (createdAt) |
modifiedAt | string <date-time> (modifiedAt) |
additional property | Property (object) or Relationship (object) or GeoProperty (object) |
{- "@context": { },
- "location": {
- "type": "GeoProperty",
- "value": { },
- "observedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "modifiedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "unitCode": "string",
- "property1": {
- "type": "Point",
- "coordinates": [
- 0,
- 0
}, - "property2": {
- "type": "Point",
- "coordinates": [
- 0,
- 0
}, - "observationSpace": {
- "type": "GeoProperty",
- "value": { },
- "observedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "modifiedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "unitCode": "string",
- "property1": {
- "type": "Point",
- "coordinates": [
- 0,
- 0
}, - "property2": {
- "type": "Point",
- "coordinates": [
- 0,
- 0
}, - "operationSpace": {
- "type": "GeoProperty",
- "value": { },
- "observedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "modifiedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "unitCode": "string",
- "property1": {
- "type": "Point",
- "coordinates": [
- 0,
- 0
}, - "property2": {
- "type": "Point",
- "coordinates": [
- 0,
- 0
}, - "type": "string",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "modifiedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "property1": {
- "type": "Property",
- "value": "string",
- "observedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "modifiedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "unitCode": "string",
- "property1": { },
- "property2": { }
}, - "property2": {
- "type": "Property",
- "value": "string",
- "observedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "modifiedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "unitCode": "string",
- "property1": { },
- "property2": { }
{- "transactionHash": "string",
- "blockHash": "string",
- "blockNumber": 0,
- "cumulativeGasUsed": 0,
- "gasUsed": 0,
- "status": "string",
- "from": "string",
- "to": "string",
- "logs": [
- {
- "removed": true,
- "logIndex": 0,
- "transactionIndex": 0,
- "transactionHash": "string",
- "blockHash": "string",
- "blockNumber": 0,
- "address": "string",
- "data": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "topics": [
- "string"
], - "transactionIndexRaw": "string",
- "blockNumberRaw": "string",
- "logIndexRaw": "string"
], - "logsBloom": "string",
- "transactionIndexRaw": "string",
- "blockNumberRaw": "string",
- "cumulativeGasUsedRaw": "string",
- "statusOK": true,
- "gasUsedRaw": "string",
- "additionalInformation": { }
Retrieve an specific Entity from an NGSI-LD system. It's possible to specify the Entity attributes to be retrieved by using query parameters
entityId required | string <uri> ID of an NGSI-LD entity |
attrs | string non-empty Comma separated list of attribute names (properties or relationships) to be retrieved |
type | string (Name) non-empty ^((\d|[a-zA-Z]|_)+(:(\d|[a-zA-Z]|_)+)?(#\d+)?... Entity Type |
options | string Enum: "keyValues" "sysAttrs" Options dictionary |
Link | string Link header to be used as described in the json-ld spec. |
Wallet-Type | string Value: "vault" Type of the wallet to be used for signing the transactions. |
Wallet-Token | string Token to be used when contacting the wallet. Type of the token depends on the wallet type. |
Wallet-Address | string <url> Example: Address of the wallet to be used for signing the transactions. If required, it should include path information |
{- "transactionHash": "string",
- "blockHash": "string",
- "blockNumber": 0,
- "cumulativeGasUsed": 0,
- "gasUsed": 0,
- "status": "string",
- "from": "string",
- "to": "string",
- "logs": [
- {
- "removed": true,
- "logIndex": 0,
- "transactionIndex": 0,
- "transactionHash": "string",
- "blockHash": "string",
- "blockNumber": 0,
- "address": "string",
- "data": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "topics": [
- "string"
], - "transactionIndexRaw": "string",
- "blockNumberRaw": "string",
- "logIndexRaw": "string"
], - "logsBloom": "string",
- "transactionIndexRaw": "string",
- "blockNumberRaw": "string",
- "cumulativeGasUsedRaw": "string",
- "statusOK": true,
- "gasUsedRaw": "string",
- "additionalInformation": { }
Batch updated or replace multiple entities at once.
Wallet-Type | string Value: "vault" Type of the wallet to be used for signing the transactions. |
Wallet-Token | string Token to be used when contacting the wallet. Type of the token depends on the wallet type. |
Wallet-Address | string <url> Example: Address of the wallet to be used for signing the transactions. If required, it should include path information |
@context | object (LdContext) |
object (GeoProperty) | |
object (GeoProperty) | |
object (GeoProperty) | |
id | string <uri> |
type | string (Name) non-empty ^((\d|[a-zA-Z]|_)+(:(\d|[a-zA-Z]|_)+)?(#\d+)?... NGSI-LD Name |
createdAt | string <date-time> (createdAt) |
modifiedAt | string <date-time> (modifiedAt) |
additional property | Property (object) or Relationship (object) or GeoProperty (object) |
[- {
- "@context": { },
- "location": {
- "type": "GeoProperty",
- "value": { },
- "observedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "modifiedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "unitCode": "string",
- "property1": {
- "type": "Point",
- "coordinates": [
- 0,
- 0
}, - "property2": {
- "type": "Point",
- "coordinates": [
- 0,
- 0
}, - "observationSpace": {
- "type": "GeoProperty",
- "value": { },
- "observedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "modifiedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "unitCode": "string",
- "property1": {
- "type": "Point",
- "coordinates": [
- 0,
- 0
}, - "property2": {
- "type": "Point",
- "coordinates": [
- 0,
- 0
}, - "operationSpace": {
- "type": "GeoProperty",
- "value": { },
- "observedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "modifiedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "unitCode": "string",
- "property1": {
- "type": "Point",
- "coordinates": [
- 0,
- 0
}, - "property2": {
- "type": "Point",
- "coordinates": [
- 0,
- 0
}, - "type": "string",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "modifiedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "property1": {
- "type": "Property",
- "value": "string",
- "observedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "modifiedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "unitCode": "string",
- "property1": { },
- "property2": { }
}, - "property2": {
- "type": "Property",
- "value": "string",
- "observedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "modifiedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "unitCode": "string",
- "property1": { },
- "property2": { }
{- "transactionHash": "string",
- "blockHash": "string",
- "blockNumber": 0,
- "cumulativeGasUsed": 0,
- "gasUsed": 0,
- "status": "string",
- "from": "string",
- "to": "string",
- "logs": [
- {
- "removed": true,
- "logIndex": 0,
- "transactionIndex": 0,
- "transactionHash": "string",
- "blockHash": "string",
- "blockNumber": 0,
- "address": "string",
- "data": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "topics": [
- "string"
], - "transactionIndexRaw": "string",
- "blockNumberRaw": "string",
- "logIndexRaw": "string"
], - "logsBloom": "string",
- "transactionIndexRaw": "string",
- "blockNumberRaw": "string",
- "cumulativeGasUsedRaw": "string",
- "statusOK": true,
- "gasUsedRaw": "string",
- "additionalInformation": { }
{- "offset": 0,
- "limit": 0,
- "count": 0,
- "records": [
- {
- "txDetails": [
- {
- "transactionHash": "string",
- "blockHash": "string",
- "blockNumber": 0,
- "cumulativeGasUsed": 0,
- "gasUsed": 0,
- "status": "string",
- "from": "string",
- "to": "string",
- "logs": [
- {
- "removed": true,
- "logIndex": 0,
- "transactionIndex": 0,
- "transactionHash": "string",
- "blockHash": "string",
- "blockNumber": 0,
- "address": "string",
- "data": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "topics": [
- "string"
], - "transactionIndexRaw": "string",
- "blockNumberRaw": "string",
- "logIndexRaw": "string"
], - "logsBloom": "string",
- "transactionIndexRaw": "string",
- "blockNumberRaw": "string",
- "cumulativeGasUsedRaw": "string",
- "statusOK": true,
- "gasUsedRaw": "string",
- "additionalInformation": { }
Get all transactions for a given entity
entityId required | string <uri> ID of an NGSI-LD entity |
{- "txDetails": [
- {
- "transactionHash": "string",
- "blockHash": "string",
- "blockNumber": 0,
- "cumulativeGasUsed": 0,
- "gasUsed": 0,
- "status": "string",
- "from": "string",
- "to": "string",
- "logs": [
- {
- "removed": true,
- "logIndex": 0,
- "transactionIndex": 0,
- "transactionHash": "string",
- "blockHash": "string",
- "blockNumber": 0,
- "address": "string",
- "data": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "topics": [
- "string"
], - "transactionIndexRaw": "string",
- "blockNumberRaw": "string",
- "logIndexRaw": "string"
], - "logsBloom": "string",
- "transactionIndexRaw": "string",
- "blockNumberRaw": "string",
- "cumulativeGasUsedRaw": "string",
- "statusOK": true,
- "gasUsedRaw": "string",
- "additionalInformation": { }